Monday, June 15, 2009

California classics - South Silver and Fantasy falls

Hi there,

After couple of days finally sitting behind computer and relaxing before next mission. I came to California from Teva games with Ron Fischer to paddle some shit and there is a lot of it to do...South fork of Silver creek for warm up and then three days of class 5 on Mokulemne river. This section is called Fantasy falls and its really great. Shame we have done it just in two of us so we couldnt paddle the hardest stuff. Anyway. We are safe and ready to hike west fork of Cherry creek tonight. Cant wait. Those pictures dont need many comments. Most of them took Ron Fischer and like two of them myself.


put in of Fantasy falls

Ron stylin the hardest rapid on South fork

One of the best drops on F. falls

One of the last rapids - Ron

Fantasy falls - myself

One of the parts between

Classic one on the South fork - Josh

Mokulemne river

Fantasy fall No. 2


Our beatiful van from Teva - Thanks a lot!!!

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